長胸不長腦的羅馬尼亞 烏茱雅(Elena Udrea)

羅馬尼亞 烏茱雅(Elena Udrea)

羅馬尼亞上月底受連日豪雨影響,引發嚴重水災,災情慘重,日前外形亮麗的羅馬尼亞觀光部長烏茱雅(Elena Udrea)日前前往洪水災區慰問視察,不過她竟然帶數盒黑色高跟鞋要贈予災民,希望災民能因高跟鞋獲得慰藉。

不過烏茱雅部落格Elena Udrea Blog 喊冤,她表示,除了高跟鞋,還帶了20公噸的物資,要大家不要只把焦點放在高跟鞋上。烏茱雅稱,因為她不忍心看到災民整天穿著雨靴走在泥水中,「那裡的年輕女性一定會感謝我的,她們再也不用穿笨拙的雨靴了。」


The Romanian Tourism and Development Ministry Elena Udrea brings “aids” to Saucesti flood victims: high heeled shoes and chocolate

Elena Udrea has been slammed for gifting high-heeled shoes to female flood victims of Saucesti.

Udrea turned up with boxes of black high heels shoes, saying that the gifts would cheer up women who had lost everything. She also brought chocolate for the children.

However, on her blog she defended herself, saying that the shoes were part of 20 tonnes of aid she had taken to the flood-stricken town of Saucesti.



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